Coach Travel

The LTT Travel Policy, developed in consultation with the LTT Teacher Panel, is designed to offer the most cost effective travel by giving group leaders the option of:

  •  coach travel organised by LTT


  • coach travel organised by the group leader

The policy recognises that there is a financial advantage when schools and colleges work closely and regularly with local coach-hire companies

If you arrange your own coach travel please let us know if you want LTT to arrange driver accommodation in the same hotel where you will be staying.

Your LTT Guide will be in contact with you during the journey and there to meet you when you arrive at the hotel.

Rail Travel

If you decide to travel by rail it is much more cost effective for the school to book directly with the rail company rather than for LTT to do so on the school’s behalf.

We will be happy to speak to you about the best and most efficient way to do the booking.

Your LTT Guide will be waiting to meet you when you arrive at the station.